There are a wealth of reasons why partnering with complimentary businesses makes sense, but in a recent survey of UK business leaders with the responsibility for investing in technology, found that 63%1 of buyers stated that they would like providers to partner up and work together to strengthen their technology estate.
What does a telecom partner do?
Often when we are first in discussions with new partners, we cover new revenue opportunities, portfolio expansion and of course, providing a one stop shop to customers. What we hadn’t realised before is that a willingness to collaborate with peers in the industry is actually also great for marketing. End customers don’t want to work with multiple suppliers operating in silos and they can also be reticent to put all of their eggs in one basket with regard to only having one technology provider. Organisations working in partnership is a great middle ground; everyone is working in unison towards the same goal, but there are also a wealth of specialists to speak to.
What should you expect from a telecom partner?
At V12, we work with our partners to add a range of telecoms services to their tech portfolios. We have successfully worked with many organisations who are eager to offer more services to their customers, but who were initially unsure how to go about adding voice and data services to their product set. Not only are these partners now benefitting from new opportunities and delivering extra value to their customers through a provider they can trust, they have also removed the need for customers to speak to competitors.
As well as product training, we assist our partners to provide number porting, provisioning, customer support and billing. We put our success down to helping our partners to grow their businesses and build great customer experiences. It’s not only our enthusiasm for staying ahead of the curve and knowing which new product is the next great gamechanger, it’s also knowing what new technologies are likely to be fads that won’t serve their customers well.
Partnering is great for business and customers. It creates a high-value community where we can learn from our peers, improve end-user experience and celebrate joint wins. Our team are always on-hand to answer queries, speak to customers, scope projects and to make sure that everything runs on time and with customer expectations in mind.
If you would like to understand more about partnering and how our wide range of voice and connectivity products can help you scale your business and benefit your customers, please get in touch. We’d be happy to discuss your goals and to see how we could work with you.
- Digital Wholesale Solutions (DWS) keynote speech, Channel Live, NEC, Birmingham, Wednesday 20 March 2022